JAM - it’s an acronym form JavaScript, APis and Markup. It’s a modern architecture for fast, client-side oriented web development. It is a static website - no running servers are needed to show the content. For example, the site might be hosted directly from the CDN.
It is a perfect solution for projects that haveinfrequent writes and potentially massive reads. An ideal example is a blog. Actually, this blog might be considered a JAM stack. It uses Jekyll with Markdown as a template engine. Before deployment, it generates pure .html
files which are hosted directly from Github pages. It does not have a database, where data is stored.
It’s fast! No database querying, no template parsing means that you get your content almost immediately. Because all logic happens on client-side and you can leverage client cache. You can make your site offline available - remember it’s just a html page!
Easy & Fast deployment cycle! - just generate your html and push it to the storage. That’s it, it works.
Easy to scale it up - for example using AWS S3 + CloudFront - your content scales up automatically and can handle a very high load.