In the previous post, we learned how we can define and react to change in object properties. Let’s use that knowledge to create reactive form helper. Let’s reuse observe() function.

function observe (obj, key, callback) {
  let observedValue = obj[key]

  Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
    get () {
      return observedValue
    set (newVal) {
      observedValue = newVal
      return observedValue

User Story

Our task will be to bind <input> and some text tag, like <h3>. We would like to change text value when input value changes. Also, it will be nice to set some starting values for binding

<h3 swiecajs-text="name">Name</h3>
<input swiecajs-model="name" placeholder="name" type="text">

Our DOM pair will look like this. We will use our custom swiecajs-... property for binding. Let’s see how we can create a configuration object

const obj = {
    selector: 'name',
    data: 'John',
    placeholder: 'enter name'

Right, so we need to select those values and assign the initial state. Let’s also keep initial data for the input because we would like to display it when an input is empty.

    const initialData =

    const input = document.querySelector(`[swiecajs-model="${obj.selector}"]`)
    input.placeholder = obj.placeholder

    const output = document.querySelector(`[swiecajs-text="${obj.selector}"]`)
    output.innerHTML =

Now we can use our observe() function to track changes in the object. We will also use addEventListener to track changes of input and assign it to the property.

When changes value, DOM will be updated

// observe changes on input
input.addEventListener('input', (ev) => { = ? : initialData

// react to changes
observe(obj, 'data', (newValue) => {
  output.innerHTML = newValue

And that’s it! We can put everything in action and create new instances of a reactive pair.

 const NameInput = new swiecaJsInputs({
    selector: 'name',
    data: 'John',
    placeholder: 'enter name'

Let’s see a working example below

See the Pen reactive inputs by Karol Świeca (@khazarr) on CodePen.


Karol Świeca

My thougths on JavaScript, AWS Cloud and other aspects of being Software Engineer